✨Are you ready to embark upon a journey of a lifetime that will enhance your life?✨
✨Studies show a yoga practice of 3-5 classes a week delivers the most dramatic shifts while offering the greatest benefits.
✨Even on a subconscious level, when you commit to your self-care you will find you are able to process life differently. It begins to feel as though everything will be okay because you have this anchor in your life now.
Having a sanctuary to seek refuge in,
to get away from all the daily lists and demands,
to connect with something that feels real and enlivening,
is life-changing.

✨Studies show to practicing 3-5 times a week consistently reeps the greatest benefits from a yoga practice.
💫If this is a challenge for you we invite you to begin with this Yoga Challenge!
💫Sign-up into the same class every week, and commit to it like it's your job.
💫Watch your life transform,
experience peace flow into every area of your life!
💫This will inspire you to add an additional class next month and the next thing you know you have a deep, habitual practice for ultimate well-being.
Welcome Home.
Are you ready to embark upon a journey of a lifetime that will enhance your life?
Studies show a yoga practice of 3-5 classes a week delivers the most dramatic shifts while offering the greatest benefits.
Even on a subconscious level, when you commit to your self-care you will find you are able to process life differently. It begins to feel as though everything will be okay because you have this anchor in your life now.
Having a sanctuary to seek refuge in, and get away from all the daily lists and demands to connect with something that feels real and enlivening is life-changing.
The more you attend classes the more your bond with the Tribe and soon you feel humans greatest need fulfilled, which is having a sense of belonging to a group of like-minded individuals, you are not alone.
As you begin to meditate and evolve in your physical practice you find yourself connecting with your inner sanctuary.
Practicing in our studio has a profound overflow in your life. It becomes your anchor and comfort within the storm of change and inspiration within the flow; the longer you stick with this integrated pattern of practicing 3-5 classes weekly, the more embodied it becomes... a new perspective and ability to process life is born.
You realize you can feel this good all the time,
in your body,
in your mind,
and in your life.
It pours into your daily activities, your relationships, and most especially into your relationship with yourself. You deserve to feel good because when you are nourished, the whole world benefits and may even become inspired to embark upon this life-changing and life-supportive gift as well!
Be an inspiration, join the movement of self-nourishment, and dive into the infinite adventure of what life can really be. Life is so much more than surviving it and going through the motions.
Come discover how nourishing and joyful life can be. ;)
We invite you to explore this exciting self-challenge.
To begin we invite you to explore the schedule and find 1 class you can do every week, (same time, same day).
(at in the studio, or. home, live-streamed or recorded)
The key to maintaining this commitment is to treat it as though it were your job because in a way it is just as important- this discipline and practice will change everything in your life and make you even stronger and more successful.
Why do you ask?
By committing to your self-care, you show yourself on a subconscious level, that you are worthy, you matter, you are important.
In a world where to-do lists and other people overrule our needs, the greatest secret to fulfillment and happiness is returning to valuing your needs and self-care.
Another effect this new discipline creates is that you will begin to feel safer within yourself and your life, because what type of message does commit to an intention and then not follow through? - I'm not able
So this new discipline shows your subconscious you are able to follow through with your intention...and you are safe.
therefore, you can do anything.
Happiness studies show that the key ingredient to happiness is setting an intention and following through with it.
The gift of knowing you have a nourishing cozy feel-good class just about you , for you, also makes it easier to handle and endure anything that comes your way through out the week, because no matter what change or chaos occurs you have something stable, something dependable, something solid, that you can seek sanctuary in every week.
Once you have adopted and integrated the 1-week class consistently,
we invite you to add on another class, so now 2 classes a week
(work your way up to 3-5 classes a week, but no matter what make that original class a non-negotiable, because
A sinking ship, even an uncared-for ship, will be of no support to any other ship, including its own self.
Aren't you tired of feeling stressed, beat up by life, and forgotten about?
It's time to put yourself first.

You are one choice away from elevating your life.
Not Sure Which Classes to Take?
All of our classes offer the well-known calming effects of meditation & yoga. We offer classes for every type of interest and degree of experience.
If you are looking for classes solely focused on stretching then any class with ** next to them will be perfect for you!
If you are looking to build strength and stretching but are Brand New to the yoga poses:
any class with 3 stars *** next to it will be best to explore.
If you are looking for a regular yoga practice and are familiar with the poses then any class is for you;)
Explore them all.
The Joyful Flow classes will have strengthening poses balanced with a cool-down stretching period.
All Classes have Savasana - Final Relaxation.
We even offer Meditation classes and Yoga Nidra (a long guided meditation).
Come Explore by clicking below.
You must pre-register for all classes and events.
For assistance in doing so please call/text us at:
Still not sure?
Call or Text Us!
We would love to chat and help you
find a perfect class, to begin with. :)