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  • Yoga increases circulation to areas that might not be receiving a lot of strong blood flow (due to sitting or other causes). This is one reason why it's great for preventing varicose veins, increasing recovery time to injuries, getting rid of scar tissue, reducing fatigue, and increasing oxygen to the brain and blood flow. 

Yoga reduces fatigue through the following:


* The stimulation of strong oxygen-rich blood flow throughout the whole body.


* Compressions (certain poses compress specific areas- when the area is released, muscles relax and are flushed with fresh nutrient-oxygen rich blood flow.


 * Inversions (any pose where the head is below the hips, such as standing forward folds, etc.) Inversions allow an increase in the blood to flush the brain to wake it up (simply put).


*The poses release tensions in the body that can minimalize blood flow to the head and other muscles.


* Many poses work on the endocrine system- they balance out your hormonal system (which affects your metabolism, mood balance, digestion, bodily functions, and so forth).


* Many poses work on the digestive system- your digestive health really runs your life- from your immunity, moods, energy levels and so much more.  


* It also detoxifies and stimulates your organs and body systems especially with:        


                  - The liver - huge detoxifier in the body

                  - Lymph system- waste removal system of the body 

                  - Kidneys- water regulator and blood waste remover 

                  - Adrenals- how your body handles stress


* It brings synovial fluid to the joints (helping reduce dry joints and imbalances that develop from overuse as well as from underuse.)


* It also reduces anxiety, depression, and helps balance out the emotional and mental body. (This is accomplished by some examples already mentioned above, but also through meeting our minds and habits during our practice. During yoga, this powerful space is uncovered where we are given opportunities to unlearn patterns and obstructions in the mind, body, and breath. We begin to learn and see how those three parts of us have such an interconnected relationship. 


The list can go joyfully on, so if there is something you are curious about specifically or want a more in-depth explanation contact us!

We would be happy to hear from you!




(732 )899-9642

  • It stabilizes the autonomic nervous system (the unconscious bodily functions such as digestion, heart rate, perspiration, etc.)


  • It increases Alpha waves in the brain

      (Alpha brain waves are seen in clear awakened states of being when you are in a calm, easeful state of alertness and creativity. 


- Over-dominance of Beta brain waves, on the other hand, are seen in extremely tense and stressful states of being, where fatigue, brain fog, lack of clarity, and difficulty to focus resides... T.V., Radio frequencies, and cell phones all give off Beta waves. )


(There is a theory, that the reason it is so challenging for so many people to sleep in this era is due to the beta waves emitting from technology).

The majority of today's population misses the delta state (a deep state of healing and restoration) or don't spend much time in it due to exhaustion and excessive beta wave dominance and so wake up exhausted. The nervous system is trained to be constantly revved up, but through Yoga, Meditation, Yoga Nidra, and hypnosis this can be changed.

Reasons to do Yoga


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